
Showing posts from December, 2021

I miss Santa 🥺🥺 . This Christmas was something else, that's for damn sure. My family is doing it on New Year's Day I guess? Pretty proud of my gift to my parents I can't wait to tell you. I hope yours was full of love and snacks and fun! . #melekalikimaka #LeahroseFTW #santa #rogue #xmen #cosplay #throwback

via Leah Rose

Got a few messages asking so to shed a lil light: . I was able to come back for literally just a few days to finish selling my car, I wish I could have spent more time out here but two things: half of my social media feed is people testing positive for covid so I was SUPER FREAKING CAUTIOUS aaaaand ya girl is FINALLY getting her dumb sinuses fixed so headed back to AZ. I'll be back in like a month for all pleasure no business 🥰 . Please take care of yourself while away again and I'll see you super soon! We'll catch up on stream soon too. . #LeahroseFTW #kamaaina #hawaiinei #optoutside #honeyimhome #mermaid #sup #bikini #flyingfish

via Leah Rose

One cookie if you can guess where I am!

via Leah Rose

Lookie what popped up in my Facebook memories! TNG is honestly the superior series okay just let me have this one. #startrek Good God I miss conventions. It's gonna be more difficult to schedule once they're finally really back in full swing, since I'll be back in the air, but I'm still looking to book for select shows. Drops your recs and make sure you tell the con that's you miss my dumb face 😚 This was with @scifimuseum probably about ten years ago? And I think @wondercon ? Time flies or whatever the saying is . . . . . . #leahroseftw #lookatme #imthecaptiannow #trekkie #cosplaygirl #picard #comiccon

via Leah Rose

Who's this kid in the back of her parents car 🤫 my car has decided to have a no bones day so I'm tagging along w them. Let's go annoy @orbitalgamesaz @azpowergirl and @alfred183 spontaneously!!! Hope I run into some of you there!

via Leah Rose