
Showing posts from September, 2017

So today was the last day I was going to accept entries into my giveaway- you know, donate ten bucks to hurricane relief and be entered for a chance to win a huge prize pack? We got one entry. 🙃 Last call, send me a screenshot of your donation! If we get less than five total, I’ll send everyone who does it a thank you card at least. Dang it I wanna help people.

via Leah Rose

My big little, my bean, my Sweet Pea, my sister. Five years, man. We took shots of Jameson at her memorial and one of the last things she did was try to sassy slap Juno Cosplay in the face (she deserved it ❤️ and it wasn’t hard). Tell me about someone you miss. I’d love to hear your stories.

via Leah Rose

I squished Miko’s head Immediately after this photo she pounced me I guess we’re even? Public Patreon update, I’m @leahroseftw there and would appreciate a peek!

via Leah Rose

Something about this photo is.... I dunno, everything. Sigh ❤️❤️❤️❤️ On a layover on the Great Coffee Search, back to Chicago soon (and I don’t wanna jinx it but maybe DISNEYLAAAAAAND) Xo Dasha Cosplay Kexige Cosplay

via Leah Rose

Back to work got me feeling like.... photo by Kexige Cosplay if there was any doubt ❤️

via Leah Rose

Hey. I’m sitting on the plane on the tarmac right now. Engine broke down. It’s gonna be a minute. Whatcha up to? (I don’t think my friend Jon has a page.... let me stalk around to see)

via Leah Rose

Finally my constant napping is totally in character. Had some princess time with the fam bam, hearing a three year old yell “HI RO-RA” made me die of cute a little. Starting the non-rev struggle back to the mainland, wish me luck! Xox

via Leah Rose

Adveeeeeenturing~ so happy to be home... hope I can see you guys at Dave and Busters tonight! It's a little disorganized but whatever that's how we roll!!!

via Leah Rose

Reuniiiiited ❤️🐬🌺 Dasha Cosplay (omg I got so pale let's fix that) So yeah, back home in Hawaii for a few days! I think Thursday evening we should have a meetup at Dave and Busters, what do you all think?

via Leah Rose

I don't think you guys are ready for a throwback of this magnitude. I present my very first major con and very first legit cosplay (that wasn't just no-reason trash) from Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobasi at Anime Expo® 2005 with one of my high school bffs. LOOKIT HOW TEENY I WAS WEARING NO MAKEUP WITH MY DERPY LITTLE FACE

via Leah Rose

Time to go to work for a few days, and then HOME TO HAWAII AHHHHHHHHHHHH

via Leah Rose

While I might not really be a doctor (thanks for the photo, Coby!) we can still help- time for another round of let's-help-people-and-I'll-give-you-cool-stuff!!! There's a thing to click in the comments. Check out that page and donate to one of the charities on that list, screenshot and show me, and for every amount over 5 bucks you'll have a chance to win a huge prize box I'm putting together. The screenshot must include your name and the date on the webpage so I can confirm it's your donation. I'll be reopening my messages in case you don't feel comfortable posting a screenshot of your donation in the comments. Last day to send proof of your donation is September 30. We're thinking of you, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean. Hold on.

via Leah Rose

Love > hate Knowledge > fear Sleeping kitty tummies > mornings

via Leah Rose

The lighting isn't the best, but my princess Aurora dress arrived while my mom was here to visit and she took a picture and omg my hair hahahaha Getting lots set up for Princess and Mermaid parties here in Chicago! And, you know, anywhere that I can fly to 😜

via Leah Rose

Kinda bummed I ended up selling this Sophitia costume that I got from my babe Nadyasonika but I got good pictures and it went to another total babe so it's all good ❤️ My mommy is visiting! Tell her hi in the comments!

via Leah Rose

Not a bad shirt for when I just wanna watch Wonder Woman on repeat (jk this was NOT worth 13 bucks) Yesterday was really hard, brain gremlins tried to sneak in. But I beat them up with Pokémon and a little shopping and cuddling Miko and tons of tea! How's your head? How's your heart? Love you guys, don't forget it!

via Leah Rose

I need a con STAT. Hope everyone is having a blast at DragonCon and PAX (edit: and Sabo)!!! Where should I try to go? Flying somewhere is obviously totally an option 😜

via Leah Rose