R: “yup, that was nuts.” Y: “YOU THINK?!” I don’t care that Final Fantasy X2 was pretty princess dress up it was my favorite so there. Also, to everyone who hasn’t yet, meet one of my best girls Erika!
Okay, you knew that. I know, whatever. But I just kinda was thinking about my name. Weird, I know, right? So yesterday Mom and I found my old Princess Leia ornament for the tree. SO rockin. Anyway, I asked her if she even thought about that correlation when she named me- Star Wars didn't come out too much earlier than me! But nooooo, she says. She had no idea, she says. Haha, Not like I really mind. It's just kinda strange to have an unintentional pop-culture reference for a name. I mean, my name isn't even technically pronounced like that. It's Lee-uh, not Lay-uh. Even my bossman- the other day he called me to ask me something, and someone asked who he was talking to, and he said me and said my name correctly... but he had to mispronounce it for the person to know who he was talking about. I mean, that's like... .... dangit. I had a good comparison. But then I lost it. Um. Um. Um. ... Yeah, it's gone. ANYWAY I guess it's like having an accen...
First world problem, I know. At least I have a job, at least I'm not car-less and completely broke. I even have a job doing nerdy things at a fun place and get free drinks all day. But dear God sometimes I want to punch a baby. We already have rules posted at the shop- nothing specific enough to make people stop acting like ill-bred children or d-bags, but rules nonetheless. The ownerbossman made them though, and he's not always there to see what the issues really are, and what the regulars already know and are good about. So basically what we have isn't doing jack. It's also mostly in regards to treating other customers, not about the employees, which is a little... odd... and sucks for me. Granted, I know why a lot of the things we want to say can't be said- there's no way to put a lot of this delicately and we don't want to lose any customers. But I want to say it anyway. Leah's Revised Store Rules!! 1. BATHE. I reserve the right to ziptie th...
Some people are so ridiculously awesome, it burns. So I've known this local radio host/dj for years- he's a great guy and fellow nerd, and its hard not to meet him in a town like this. Anyway, I hear from him this morning and long story short, my best friend and I are going to the Legend of Zelda Symphony Orchestra on Friday night. I. Am. Freaking. Not only have I wanted to go since I heard it was a thing, but two tickets for free is the greatest present I've received ever- boogerpony and my engagement ring aside. Madi (bestfriend of ever) and I bonded over zelda when we were kids. And now, but you get my point. I might go so far as to say we might not be as close as we are now if it weren't for this game series. We stayed up past our fourth grade bedtimes, developed crushes on characters, cried at the sad parts and laughed uproariously at the funny, and yeah- we developed better critical thinking, problem solving, memory, and hand eye coordination. And the music...
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