What I wish I could say at work

First world problem, I know. At least I have a job, at least I'm not car-less and completely broke. I even have a job doing nerdy things at a fun place and get free drinks all day.

But dear God sometimes I want to punch a baby.

We already have rules posted at the shop- nothing specific enough to make people stop acting like ill-bred children or d-bags, but rules nonetheless. The ownerbossman made them though, and he's not always there to see what the issues really are, and what the regulars already know and are good about. So basically what we have isn't doing jack. It's also mostly in regards to treating other customers, not about the employees, which is a little... odd... and sucks for me.

Granted, I know why a lot of the things we want to say can't be said- there's no way to put a lot of this delicately and we don't want to lose any customers. But I want to say it anyway.

Leah's Revised Store Rules!!
1. BATHE. I reserve the right to ziptie the trigger of a febreeze can down and lock you guys in with it. Like a smellygood grenade. You give me migraines from the rotting smell.

2. I am not a babysitter. You will NOT leave your kids at the store unattended. They make a mess, cause trouble, and are obnoxious at absolute best, and I'm not paid enough to deal with them while trying to run a business. Not only that, but they're a liability and I have no way to get in contact with most parents- so I'll call the police about child neglect, how's that?

3. Trashcans. We have them. You can use them. You WILL use them. I picked up half a bag of scattered card wrappers, packages, and cups just today. No. Also, if your cup is full, it would rock so hard if you could just dump it in the sink before you chuck it. Trash juice is gross.

4. The posted store hours are not a freaking suggestion. Sundays? Noon to five. You can't enter the store until noon. I get there early to clean up from the night before and to get my own stuff organized. I can't even take out the trash or count my drawer if you come barging in before I even have the flag out and sign on. You also must be gone by five. I have a life, and if I get paid for five hours of work I'm not staying for free because you want to peruse every last thing in the store. Even if you paid me, how about you warn me so I don't make plans with my family or friends and either have to show up late or cancel because of inconsiderate customers. You wouldn't try that at a chain store, don't try it here.

5. The computer isn't a register. Don't bring your huge stack of things to the computer and be annoyed with me when I either ask you to help me bring it all around, or (GOD FORBID) take a few second to walk back and forth between you and the register. I try to be nice and convenient, but being rude doesn't make it any easier on me.

6. No. I don't know the exact price and worth of an obscure magic card. Yes, I'll google it to help you find it in the boxes. No, I will not buy your card for their selling price. We lose money like that. And with the 2-for-1 deals, it works just like any other store- the cheap things are the free things- equal or lesser value, okay?

7. On the same line, I don't know exactly what we have on the shelf at any given moment. I don't work all the time, things get sold and bought without me here. I'll look for you and help you look and even order something we can't find, but don't criticize me for not knowing it all.

8. While the rest of these have been more for all of us that work here, this one's a bit more specific. Yeah, I'm a girl at a comic book shop. I stick out for being here, not to mention being an employee. But if you come in or call and talk to me or homegirl Crysten, you will ignore the fact that we're girls when it come to doing our job. We are just as capable and know just as much in a male-dominated field, and if we don't know it's not because we're chicks, it's because it's not our forte. When people demand to talk to Jim or John and won't even tell us what it's about or try the question on us, it's insulting, demeaning, and makes you look like a huge jackass... oh wait, not just look like.



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