IFTTT and making social media easier! (Facebook catchup 4-15 to 4-24)
Hi guys!
Sorry for the most recent spammy posts, I'm trying a few new platforms for making crossposting easier so I don't have to reply on facebook and I don't miss anyone who is missing the smaller social media sites.
I've decided that once every few weeks (we'll see how this goes to determined the timing!) I'll be making one post here with the images and commentary I've made over Facebook in that timeframe.
Without further ado, here's my facebook posts from the past weekish!

EEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIL Cobesplay is LEMONS!!!!! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed my silly costume last weekend. It was kind of unintentional, but worked out for the best!

I saw my Dasha Cosplay today and we were fishies!!!! Come see both of us tomorrow at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist and party and meet Stan Lee!!! We won't be fishies tomorrow tho.

FAMILY PHOTO really important schedule change for tomorrow, Stan will be here at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist for autographs from 9 to 11am, and photos 11am to noon. I'll be here in a new costume too!!!

Fighting off a stress-induced bug gotta drink lots of juice and get in the sun!!! Come see me and the merms this coming Thursday night at the opening event at Club Scarlet in downtown Honolulu Still trying to play massive catch up sorry for the radio silence (Plus page science again)! Oh peek the comments! PC Blackall Photography

I WAS trying to do page science again by posting every other day for a while but I like talking to you guys! Follow me on Twitter at leahroseftw so we can still talk while I argue with algorithms?! Love this shot of my Meg at Kawaii Kon I need to actually make the wig- it didn't wanna stay on so it was a day of real hair and half a can of hairspray Thanks for the photo Josh!

Okay guys, I need your help- it is finally time for me to downsize my cosplay room. Don't worry, I will NOT be selling my staples... anything in my banner image and their variants are safe plus some extra stuff. But tell me what you want to see more of! I have to shoot so much before I sell anything and I wanna know what I should either shoot first (lol Han Solo jokes) or NOT sell. Or, if you're interested in any costumes, let me know or keep an eye on my shop! Photo by my homeslice homefries homeownersinsurance (what I need more coffee) MIG Photography World
Sorry for the most recent spammy posts, I'm trying a few new platforms for making crossposting easier so I don't have to reply on facebook and I don't miss anyone who is missing the smaller social media sites.
I've decided that once every few weeks (we'll see how this goes to determined the timing!) I'll be making one post here with the images and commentary I've made over Facebook in that timeframe.
Without further ado, here's my facebook posts from the past weekish!

EEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIL Cobesplay is LEMONS!!!!! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed my silly costume last weekend. It was kind of unintentional, but worked out for the best!

I saw my Dasha Cosplay today and we were fishies!!!! Come see both of us tomorrow at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist and party and meet Stan Lee!!! We won't be fishies tomorrow tho.

FAMILY PHOTO really important schedule change for tomorrow, Stan will be here at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist for autographs from 9 to 11am, and photos 11am to noon. I'll be here in a new costume too!!!

Fighting off a stress-induced bug gotta drink lots of juice and get in the sun!!! Come see me and the merms this coming Thursday night at the opening event at Club Scarlet in downtown Honolulu Still trying to play massive catch up sorry for the radio silence (Plus page science again)! Oh peek the comments! PC Blackall Photography

I WAS trying to do page science again by posting every other day for a while but I like talking to you guys! Follow me on Twitter at leahroseftw so we can still talk while I argue with algorithms?! Love this shot of my Meg at Kawaii Kon I need to actually make the wig- it didn't wanna stay on so it was a day of real hair and half a can of hairspray Thanks for the photo Josh!

Okay guys, I need your help- it is finally time for me to downsize my cosplay room. Don't worry, I will NOT be selling my staples... anything in my banner image and their variants are safe plus some extra stuff. But tell me what you want to see more of! I have to shoot so much before I sell anything and I wanna know what I should either shoot first (lol Han Solo jokes) or NOT sell. Or, if you're interested in any costumes, let me know or keep an eye on my shop! Photo by my homeslice homefries homeownersinsurance (what I need more coffee) MIG Photography World
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