Proof of life! Surgery done yesterday and I feel almost like a real person again! Thank you so much to everyone who helped me out. I would have been in a huge pickle without you. Insert 30 minute rant about the American healthcare system. . I've talked about this before but to anyone new, I had a severe deviated septum that made it hard to breathe, messed with my ability to equalize in pressure changes, and led to sinus infections way more frequently than your average bear. All bad things for a flight attendant. So I got it fixed.. but of course insurance decided to make it difficult at the 11th hour. . Anyway that's what happened but I got it done and it's going to be okay. While I'm recovering I can't do much so I'm gonna do some cosplay things!!! . #LeahroseFTW #selfcare #lolnotreally #medical #nosie #boop #waitno #pleasenoboop #flightattendant

via Leah Rose
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