You know, I haven't gone text heavy blog post style here in a minute. And these generally don't do great so DO ME A SOLID AND THUMBS UP REAL QUICK okay let's talk. Some of you guys (hey, twitch fam!) know I've been going THROUGH it lately. And I've realized a lot of my personal internal struggle right now can be summed up pretty easily: REACTIVE vs PROACTIVE You guys know I'm extroverted and type A. No shit, Sherlock. But this, at least in myself, means that I have a much better time when I can get ahead of the game, when I can choose something to work towards, stuff like that. Lately, SO much has been happening both in the world and to myself, that I haven't been able to do that at all! I'm so busy being reactive to the things that are happening to me, it leaves me no time, money, or energy to be proactive towards anything. Things are happening TO me instead of me being able to just DO a thing. Does that make sense? So I'm trying really hard to get through what reactive actions I need to do, address the things I need to address, but then taking a moment to be proactive again. I need it for my mental health and for my future. Cause damn, being reactive alllllll the time is exhausting! K that's all I have, let me know if this resonates with you or how you've been dealing or literally just talk to me. Cause being proactive by talking with my friends online is something I need to get back on.

via Leah Rose
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