Scheduling this for early Monday morning tho it’s currently... okay technically Monday as of 2 minutes ago (might delete in the morning idk) I was in a car accident just a bit ago. The person in front of me was cut off, they stopped in time but I didn’t. I’m okay enough, so are they, their truck is fine- my Carfefe is not as much. I’ll keep you posted and have a very good nurse Miko watching over me- see very concerned kittyface? Doctor just in case and dealing with insurance tomorrow. Lessons for you: 1. SEATBELT 2. Always be kind, it makes shitty days much easier! The people I hit were so sweet. 3. Even if you live in a place where you don’t need it, have insurance. Even the cheapest one. 4. Have a cooler in your car in case you get in an accident just after a Costco run. Cough. 5. You may feel fine at first, but wait for the adrenaline to wear off before you claim 100% totes not hurt.

via Leah Rose
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