Facebook Catchup- October!!!

via Leah Rose http://ift.tt/2dK7HXG
MRW The normal ticket load at work is ~20 and I log in to about 80 emails to answer. Sometimes you just gotta Wondie the hell out of your day, you know? I'm looking for anyone who needs booth help or is selling a cheap GeekGirlCon badge! My original plan fell thru and I can't afford a weekend pass anymore (stupid moving costs).

So this is how I interpret Ant Lucia's DC Bombshells Ivy when I'm not about that bodypaint life! I added the robe to make it more con-friendly, too. Convention centers usually have strong AC, for real. Missing my Amazing Hawaii Comic Con friends! A super big bittersweet hug to Mythril Wigs. They're closing down, so if you want an amazing quality wig, go to their store and see what's left in the great wig purge :(

Nice and grimy, just the way I like it? Eh, not really, but this costume is so much fun!!!! Enchantress photos hopefully to come soon (Anyone at GeekGirlCon wanna shoot?) I'm here thanks to Clockwork Dragon Books so go peek their awesome books! I'm currently reading their Dragon anthology, suuuuuh goooooood.

YOU GUYS TEENY SAMUS IS MY HERO GeekGirlCon was such a positive environment and oh my lord I loved it. Haul vlog soon since I didn't record at con!

Not the most thrilled- the movers (accidentally of course!) trashed both of my sets of huge wings and my Ocarina of Time Zelda armor, along with my princess dresses needing some repair from being taped on (!?!) and creased heavily. That's a lot of expense and a lot of projects on the backburner now. It's gonna take months to file a claim and they are notorious for not giving you full value.... GRUMPY TIME 'SCUSE ME

Morning cookies are perks of being a grownup, I think. Filming a vlog and editing it today! So it's not gonna be edited much!! This week I also want to film a Q&A video, so please leave your questions below. I'll talk about anything, from moving to cosplay to conventions to health to what I sing in the shower... spoiler alert, I don't- but in the car is a whole different story!

I wasn't emotionally ready for a cardboard cutout but I feel like you guys understand. Was so happy to meet my Internet friends at EMP Museum booth at GeekGirlCon! Peek the comments for my latest video link- update time, what's been going on, why I've been quieter than normal, all that!

Okay, so between today and tomorrow I'm going to make a quick video on how I made my Enchantress cosplay since I've got a few questions on it! This thing ain't accurate though, so you've been warned. For now please check out my YouTube (username is leahroseftw) for updates and fun and stuff! PS Still trying to find the photo booth pic I took as Enchantress from GeekGirlCon but their Flickr account hasn't been updated...? I'll be taking photos on Halloween I think so at least we'll have those! Lazy couch selfie for meow!

HEY I FOUND THE HEADSET the movers packed in the most random box..... anyway! Thank you guys so much for being here with me during my nerdy creative sparkly shenanigans! Thanks to Logitech G I'm able to give away one thing for each social media account- Twitter and IG are done but now I have the big one! Like my page and Logitech's, and like/comment/share this post for a chance to win the Artemis Spectrum headset! We'll be twins! Winner announced Halloween!!!!!!

1/3 derp, 1/3 outtake, 1/3 it's Leah, what do you REALLY expect? I've received so many questions about having a calendar for 2017, you guys REALLY like them?! Okay, I'll make another! Pre-order clicky clicky below! (This costume and wig were damaged in the move, calendar sales will help me replace/repair them and look forward to a Patreon by the end of the week maybe?) MISS YOU Adept Productions, LLC SEE YOU SO SOON

Collage time! I'm still trying to find a workshop I can afford so I can get back to work on cosplay and photos, but until then I have a rack of princess dresses (ignoring that half of them need repaired), tea and work, and a kitten that literally watches Star Trek with me. I'll be in Hawaii for a VERY short time this week, so if you're going to Halloween Comic Feat at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist you'll have a chance to see me again!!!!! (Oh Loretta, surprise??)

My feelings about today summed up pretty well: I'll be at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist today for @Halloween Comicfest and the garage sale between 10-4 ish but don't hug me cause I'm kind of sick. Again. FML. I'm SO UPSET I can't wear Enchantress this weekend but my alternative costume thanks to @Dasha Cosplay is perfect so I'll live. Thanks for the outtake photo Ben Lowe!!!!
MRW The normal ticket load at work is ~20 and I log in to about 80 emails to answer. Sometimes you just gotta Wondie the hell out of your day, you know? I'm looking for anyone who needs booth help or is selling a cheap GeekGirlCon badge! My original plan fell thru and I can't afford a weekend pass anymore (stupid moving costs).

So this is how I interpret Ant Lucia's DC Bombshells Ivy when I'm not about that bodypaint life! I added the robe to make it more con-friendly, too. Convention centers usually have strong AC, for real. Missing my Amazing Hawaii Comic Con friends! A super big bittersweet hug to Mythril Wigs. They're closing down, so if you want an amazing quality wig, go to their store and see what's left in the great wig purge :(

Nice and grimy, just the way I like it? Eh, not really, but this costume is so much fun!!!! Enchantress photos hopefully to come soon (Anyone at GeekGirlCon wanna shoot?) I'm here thanks to Clockwork Dragon Books so go peek their awesome books! I'm currently reading their Dragon anthology, suuuuuh goooooood.

YOU GUYS TEENY SAMUS IS MY HERO GeekGirlCon was such a positive environment and oh my lord I loved it. Haul vlog soon since I didn't record at con!

Not the most thrilled- the movers (accidentally of course!) trashed both of my sets of huge wings and my Ocarina of Time Zelda armor, along with my princess dresses needing some repair from being taped on (!?!) and creased heavily. That's a lot of expense and a lot of projects on the backburner now. It's gonna take months to file a claim and they are notorious for not giving you full value.... GRUMPY TIME 'SCUSE ME

Morning cookies are perks of being a grownup, I think. Filming a vlog and editing it today! So it's not gonna be edited much!! This week I also want to film a Q&A video, so please leave your questions below. I'll talk about anything, from moving to cosplay to conventions to health to what I sing in the shower... spoiler alert, I don't- but in the car is a whole different story!

I wasn't emotionally ready for a cardboard cutout but I feel like you guys understand. Was so happy to meet my Internet friends at EMP Museum booth at GeekGirlCon! Peek the comments for my latest video link- update time, what's been going on, why I've been quieter than normal, all that!

Okay, so between today and tomorrow I'm going to make a quick video on how I made my Enchantress cosplay since I've got a few questions on it! This thing ain't accurate though, so you've been warned. For now please check out my YouTube (username is leahroseftw) for updates and fun and stuff! PS Still trying to find the photo booth pic I took as Enchantress from GeekGirlCon but their Flickr account hasn't been updated...? I'll be taking photos on Halloween I think so at least we'll have those! Lazy couch selfie for meow!

HEY I FOUND THE HEADSET the movers packed in the most random box..... anyway! Thank you guys so much for being here with me during my nerdy creative sparkly shenanigans! Thanks to Logitech G I'm able to give away one thing for each social media account- Twitter and IG are done but now I have the big one! Like my page and Logitech's, and like/comment/share this post for a chance to win the Artemis Spectrum headset! We'll be twins! Winner announced Halloween!!!!!!

1/3 derp, 1/3 outtake, 1/3 it's Leah, what do you REALLY expect? I've received so many questions about having a calendar for 2017, you guys REALLY like them?! Okay, I'll make another! Pre-order clicky clicky below! (This costume and wig were damaged in the move, calendar sales will help me replace/repair them and look forward to a Patreon by the end of the week maybe?) MISS YOU Adept Productions, LLC SEE YOU SO SOON

Collage time! I'm still trying to find a workshop I can afford so I can get back to work on cosplay and photos, but until then I have a rack of princess dresses (ignoring that half of them need repaired), tea and work, and a kitten that literally watches Star Trek with me. I'll be in Hawaii for a VERY short time this week, so if you're going to Halloween Comic Feat at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist you'll have a chance to see me again!!!!! (Oh Loretta, surprise??)

My feelings about today summed up pretty well: I'll be at Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist today for @Halloween Comicfest and the garage sale between 10-4 ish but don't hug me cause I'm kind of sick. Again. FML. I'm SO UPSET I can't wear Enchantress this weekend but my alternative costume thanks to @Dasha Cosplay is perfect so I'll live. Thanks for the outtake photo Ben Lowe!!!!
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