Facebook Catchup- September!!!!

via Leah Rose http://ift.tt/2bFFZZu
I'm in Seattle safe and sound and sleepy! Okay, just a short nap, then TIME TO FIND A CAR AND AN APARTMENT AND THREE CUPS OF COFFEE PLEASE. And then work at PAX West - Seattle tomorrow!!! Age of Apoc Rogue is me Leah Rose hii Uncanny Megan made my bodysuit Photo by loverly Hisako Art & Cosplay

PAX PAX PAX PAX Find me and my amazing Charisma+2 friends at the WARGAMING.NET booth! Let's battle!!!!!

I'm on a tank~ THIS IS SO MUCH FUNNNNN Now a few Seahawks are here! Come find us on the corner of 8th and Pine! #crushigit World of Tanks Charisma + 2


Guess what I got to do today?!?!? Oh my god I'm so happy~ now just put salmon in my face and let me get my tail on and I could practically die happy. Thanks for bearing with me while I'm in weird life limbo!

Sunlight and apartment hunting, hope your weekend is fun and productive too! Hoping to have a new costume in a week or two, and looking for PNW photographers to be friends with!

Stand tall. http://ift.tt/2cvIovE

My natural habitats: In the water In an art museum or studio In front of a sewing machine/video game/computer You haven't seen pics of #2, so here you go! I cried in front of a Monet, no shame.

I'm just gonna keep messing around with video thumbnails until I find a style I like, and I think I made some headway with this one! Mermaid scales or dragon scales or odd arty things? I dunno, but I like it. The topic of this video is a little more serious, and I'd like to get your input if you have a moment. It's about people printing photos from my webstore without paying, which I know a lot of other cosplayers have dealt with too. Love you guys!!

I MISS MY GAMESTOP HAWAII WORK FAMILY It's just not the same!!!!

Finally a costume my eyebrows are on point for... let's do something fun. Hit a bit of a road bump with the commission, so this might be a little later than I wanted :/ still for GeekGirlCon though!

I dunno how I feel about an orange accent wall, but it makes me think of pumpkins so that's nice! Just went a little nuts at the thrift store putting together some vaguely steampunk-ish outfits for Steamposium next weekend! My first event out here, and I'm acting in a MURDER MYSTERY?! I hope I see you there!!!

Throwback to Amazing Hawaii Comic Con their first year in Hawaii, where I scared tourists and unsuspecting con goers... CAUSE IM A NINJA Miss you Zarli! Ibuki costume bought by JK Cosplay the best ever

I got a photo from the most gorgeous antique camera (and coolest new friend!!) yesterday! Steamposium is so much fun and Aurelio Voltaire is, like always, a national treasure. Last day is today, good luck solving the murder! I had a really important question- PNW residing Khalsar, if I held a meetup in a few weeks (probably a Friday evening) would you want/try to come?!

Okay, we have a lot to do on this commission because it's hot glue city and I'm just gonna remake the top, but at least I got a bit of money back. Enchantress will be coming out to play soon! Lol at you sillies who called the headdress "sailor moon" you're precious Also I only cosplay Sailor Jupiter anyway

Con crud. Not even once. But I got a yoga mat and it's super cute, so now I can do my easy yoga and not kill my knees on the floor! On Friday, I'll be visiting the EMP Museum, cough be damned!!!


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