Facebook Catchup- September!!!!

via Leah Rose http://ift.tt/2bFFZZu
I'm in Seattle safe and sound and sleepy! Okay, just a short nap, then TIME TO FIND A CAR AND AN APARTMENT AND THREE CUPS OF COFFEE PLEASE. And then work at PAX West - Seattle tomorrow!!! Age of Apoc Rogue is me Leah Rose hii Uncanny Megan made my bodysuit Photo by loverly Hisako Art & Cosplay

PAX PAX PAX PAX Find me and my amazing Charisma+2 friends at the WARGAMING.NET booth! Let's battle!!!!!

I'm on a tank~ THIS IS SO MUCH FUNNNNN Now a few Seahawks are here! Come find us on the corner of 8th and Pine! #crushigit World of Tanks Charisma + 2


Guess what I got to do today?!?!? Oh my god I'm so happy~ now just put salmon in my face and let me get my tail on and I could practically die happy. Thanks for bearing with me while I'm in weird life limbo!

Sunlight and apartment hunting, hope your weekend is fun and productive too! Hoping to have a new costume in a week or two, and looking for PNW photographers to be friends with!

Stand tall. http://ift.tt/2cvIovE

My natural habitats: In the water In an art museum or studio In front of a sewing machine/video game/computer You haven't seen pics of #2, so here you go! I cried in front of a Monet, no shame.

I'm just gonna keep messing around with video thumbnails until I find a style I like, and I think I made some headway with this one! Mermaid scales or dragon scales or odd arty things? I dunno, but I like it. The topic of this video is a little more serious, and I'd like to get your input if you have a moment. It's about people printing photos from my webstore without paying, which I know a lot of other cosplayers have dealt with too. Love you guys!!

I MISS MY GAMESTOP HAWAII WORK FAMILY It's just not the same!!!!

Finally a costume my eyebrows are on point for... let's do something fun. Hit a bit of a road bump with the commission, so this might be a little later than I wanted :/ still for GeekGirlCon though!

I dunno how I feel about an orange accent wall, but it makes me think of pumpkins so that's nice! Just went a little nuts at the thrift store putting together some vaguely steampunk-ish outfits for Steamposium next weekend! My first event out here, and I'm acting in a MURDER MYSTERY?! I hope I see you there!!!

Throwback to Amazing Hawaii Comic Con their first year in Hawaii, where I scared tourists and unsuspecting con goers... CAUSE IM A NINJA Miss you Zarli! Ibuki costume bought by JK Cosplay the best ever

I got a photo from the most gorgeous antique camera (and coolest new friend!!) yesterday! Steamposium is so much fun and Aurelio Voltaire is, like always, a national treasure. Last day is today, good luck solving the murder! I had a really important question- PNW residing Khalsar, if I held a meetup in a few weeks (probably a Friday evening) would you want/try to come?!

Okay, we have a lot to do on this commission because it's hot glue city and I'm just gonna remake the top, but at least I got a bit of money back. Enchantress will be coming out to play soon! Lol at you sillies who called the headdress "sailor moon" you're precious Also I only cosplay Sailor Jupiter anyway

Con crud. Not even once. But I got a yoga mat and it's super cute, so now I can do my easy yoga and not kill my knees on the floor! On Friday, I'll be visiting the EMP Museum, cough be damned!!!
I'm in Seattle safe and sound and sleepy! Okay, just a short nap, then TIME TO FIND A CAR AND AN APARTMENT AND THREE CUPS OF COFFEE PLEASE. And then work at PAX West - Seattle tomorrow!!! Age of Apoc Rogue is me Leah Rose hii Uncanny Megan made my bodysuit Photo by loverly Hisako Art & Cosplay

PAX PAX PAX PAX Find me and my amazing Charisma+2 friends at the WARGAMING.NET booth! Let's battle!!!!!

I'm on a tank~ THIS IS SO MUCH FUNNNNN Now a few Seahawks are here! Come find us on the corner of 8th and Pine! #crushigit World of Tanks Charisma + 2


Guess what I got to do today?!?!? Oh my god I'm so happy~ now just put salmon in my face and let me get my tail on and I could practically die happy. Thanks for bearing with me while I'm in weird life limbo!

Sunlight and apartment hunting, hope your weekend is fun and productive too! Hoping to have a new costume in a week or two, and looking for PNW photographers to be friends with!

Stand tall. http://ift.tt/2cvIovE

My natural habitats: In the water In an art museum or studio In front of a sewing machine/video game/computer You haven't seen pics of #2, so here you go! I cried in front of a Monet, no shame.

I'm just gonna keep messing around with video thumbnails until I find a style I like, and I think I made some headway with this one! Mermaid scales or dragon scales or odd arty things? I dunno, but I like it. The topic of this video is a little more serious, and I'd like to get your input if you have a moment. It's about people printing photos from my webstore without paying, which I know a lot of other cosplayers have dealt with too. Love you guys!!

I MISS MY GAMESTOP HAWAII WORK FAMILY It's just not the same!!!!

Finally a costume my eyebrows are on point for... let's do something fun. Hit a bit of a road bump with the commission, so this might be a little later than I wanted :/ still for GeekGirlCon though!

I dunno how I feel about an orange accent wall, but it makes me think of pumpkins so that's nice! Just went a little nuts at the thrift store putting together some vaguely steampunk-ish outfits for Steamposium next weekend! My first event out here, and I'm acting in a MURDER MYSTERY?! I hope I see you there!!!

Throwback to Amazing Hawaii Comic Con their first year in Hawaii, where I scared tourists and unsuspecting con goers... CAUSE IM A NINJA Miss you Zarli! Ibuki costume bought by JK Cosplay the best ever

I got a photo from the most gorgeous antique camera (and coolest new friend!!) yesterday! Steamposium is so much fun and Aurelio Voltaire is, like always, a national treasure. Last day is today, good luck solving the murder! I had a really important question- PNW residing Khalsar, if I held a meetup in a few weeks (probably a Friday evening) would you want/try to come?!

Okay, we have a lot to do on this commission because it's hot glue city and I'm just gonna remake the top, but at least I got a bit of money back. Enchantress will be coming out to play soon! Lol at you sillies who called the headdress "sailor moon" you're precious Also I only cosplay Sailor Jupiter anyway

Con crud. Not even once. But I got a yoga mat and it's super cute, so now I can do my easy yoga and not kill my knees on the floor! On Friday, I'll be visiting the EMP Museum, cough be damned!!!
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