Phoenix Comic Con

First big convention of the season! I love me some con season! Not what it does to my bank account, but you know. 

I'm not going to gloat about how awesome this year was like I wanted to/did last year, simply because I'm pretty disappointed. I'm gonna be honest. From a fan and an industry standpoint, I'm sad, and it mostly has to do with industry.

So my girls from d20 and I were able to get a table on industry row on the gaming floor in exchange for volunteering on said floor, 16 hours total per person. Doesn't seem like the worst deal ever, and we made a few good friends out of it. However... industry row had no traffic. At all. The other people there actually moved (we couldn't) to get traffic. So we worked anyway, and Cory and I did the math- 5 of us minimum, a minimum of 16 hours total, at minimum wage? We paid over $600 for that booth and made three whole fans and no money off of it. I'm personally $300 in the hole just because of this con.

On top of that, since we had to work the whole time (me more than most, manager world problems), I missed every single panel and event I wanted to make. I worked nearly that entire convention.

Lessons learned:
1. Never volunteering again for that long (another position =/= shorter hours)
3. No gaming floor

There were some great parts, though! I met a ton of great photographers who are interested in eorking with me, not the least of which was Kip who works with Toni Darling who did the amazing Lady Thor that's popular on the web right now. So talking with him now on getting stuff done! :3 Also going to be working with Crash Games and Tucson Comic Con a LOT soon. So look forward to that!

Also made a lot of friends, if not fans/business associates. Billy Tucci (who made Shi, my FAVORITE comic character other than Rogue)was the COOLEST ever, and Travis Miller was hilarious and win. EEEEEEEEE. And they have my card, so you never know. Haha.

Anyway, all the photos are on my facebook fanpage for my cosplay, so you should ninja on over there and look so I don't have the craziest longest post ever.
Kay, except for this one.


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