
Showing posts from January, 2022

This was a close second for the new IG profile pic, but something about the jawline looked funny. Oh darn, looks like I need to do a couple new breath of the wild photoshoots. Whatever shall I do. A tragedy. . ALSO GUESS WHAT TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY

via Leah Rose
via Leah Rose

Broke wrist 👎 Didn't die 👍 . My blue bird app has the story, it's pretty great honestly. But this is gonna require me surgery. Trying to keep spirits up cause my luck is so beyond awful and I would like to quit thank you. But I won't. I got shit to do. . . #LeahRoseFTW #riskhappy #gfdd @gofastdontdie #brokenwrist #fml #activegirls #getoutside

via Leah Rose
via Leah Rose
via Leah Rose

Lord Voldemort has entered the chat lol . Recovery is NOT MY FAVORITE. I'm still very grateful to have this done but owwwww and stents suck. But I can have my super fashionable nose bra off more often now! . Doing @fwfgyoga with @adrienelouise during while I heal has been my saving grace. Miko seems to enjoy it as well 😒

via Leah Rose

Proof of life! Surgery done yesterday and I feel almost like a real person again! Thank you so much to everyone who helped me out. I would have been in a huge pickle without you. Insert 30 minute rant about the American healthcare system. . I've talked about this before but to anyone new, I had a severe deviated septum that made it hard to breathe, messed with my ability to equalize in pressure changes, and led to sinus infections way more frequently than your average bear. All bad things for a flight attendant. So I got it fixed.. but of course insurance decided to make it difficult at the 11th hour. . Anyway that's what happened but I got it done and it's going to be okay. While I'm recovering I can't do much so I'm gonna do some cosplay things!!! . #LeahroseFTW #selfcare #lolnotreally #medical #nosie #boop #waitno #pleasenoboop #flightattendant

via Leah Rose

I don't know why it decided to cut off the top of my head ... Actually yes I do it's because I like using more vertical photos good job me I'm definitely a broken record on expressing my gratitude for you guys being my little online squad and expressing how much of a freaking challenge the past year has been. But all we got to do is focus on today, if we can do that then we can do anything. Let's go 22.

via Leah Rose

If anyone asks, nobody saw me on NYE because I was busy saving the city from some twisted af cyborg bullshit. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. . Here's to 2022. Let's reinvent ourselves and our surroundings and leave behind what doesn't serve us. . Thanks to everyone who helped me keep going this year. It was really rough for me and I'm grateful for you.

via Leah Rose