
Showing posts from October, 2017

Moana, Dratini, and the Starfleet comm officer walk into a bar...

via Leah Rose

Let’s play a game cause I need some happies. Comment story time! I’ll start, you keep it going. Keep it to ~20 words. Let’s get weird. Once upon a time there lived a Mermaid who was super addicted to...

via Leah Rose

Faith trust and a little bit of pixie dust.... you doing okay? I hope you’re happy and healthy and having fun today ❤️

via Leah Rose

Stoic. Queenly. Honestly just kinda thinking about dinner. 🍣🥗🥃 Self shoot gets an A for effort but D for execution. Not gonna bother editing the background of these like I intended- I’ll try again soon!

via Leah Rose

You know, I gotta hand it to my office. It has really good natural light. 😜 Marathoning Horizon Zero Dawn and hooooly shiiiiiii I have to cosplay Aloy!!!

via Leah Rose

SIGNAL BOOST OAHU So you guys know Dasha Cosplay. My wifey BFF. Some faka STOLE HER Wonder Woman costume. Details below. Please help!!!!!

via Leah Rose

Hashtag edgelord? But really I love V for Vendetta an obnoxious amount. In London for the day! Gonna take a nap and then ADVENTURE!!

via Leah Rose

/start documentary voice And here, in one of her natural habitats, we see the elusive Leahfish sustaining herself with coffee while creating comfy things to wear. She is not in her final form, because it is hard to press the sewing machine pedal with a tail. /end documentary voice

via Leah Rose

Okay okay I’ll post a not-Derp selfie for once. Although I AM laying on the floor, so there’s that. Trying to make some tripod photos work, cross your fingers I have something maybe print worthy from doing it myself!

via Leah Rose

I must be on a redhead cosplay kick lately. This is the costume I made in less than 24 hours! The suit kinda sucks but I DID IT ANYWAY WHOOOOOOOOOO~ Gonna fix up Mera for the Justice League premier and get Jason Momoa to fall in love with me kthx

via Leah Rose

Wubba lubba dub dub Wait, wrong quote... But you know, anything is better to quote than the original Little Mermaid story. Ish was DARK! Gonna try to tripod shoot myself today so you can see the NYCC costume that wasn’t! I guess this photo is a really vague hint of you didn’t catch the IG posts about it.

via Leah Rose

Mermaid crown best crown! I’m doing a super purge of a looooot of my stuff- no not this!! I could use a hand downsizing + taking care of student loans IFYOULNOWWHATIMSAYIN (trying to avoid those keywords FB doesn’t Like is hard!) Peek below for how to help ^^

via Leah Rose

WINNER TIME!! Erik Hawkinson and Janet Perkins, I need your addresses!!!!! Thank you everyone so much for helping us make the world a little bit better. If I make you guys smile and if we together can help just one person in a tough spot, it’s all worth it. Miko as Meeko ❤️❤️❤️❤️ outtakes for the win!

via Leah Rose

If at first you don’t succeed, fix your bow and try again. (And of course I just finished upgrading this costume after we took the photos, Murphy’s law)

via Leah Rose

Okay so I know a lot of you aren’t up on the Tinkerbell movies but they’re not awful, okay? Watch Tinkerbell Legend of the Neverbeast and tell me you don’t tear up. Animal talent fairy up in here! Fawn is my favorite! I had so much fun doing a living room Disney shoot with my roomie Chrissy ❤️🎃👑 gonna share a lot of these pics for October okay cool

via Leah Rose

That AMAZING feeling when your favorite thing goes mainstream and you can buy nice things from it!!! I’m so glad that a lot of you have checked in about being safe. I’m still just in shock over the state of the world right now, and Vegas was just the icing on the shitty cake (Gross visual, sorry). Please remember what Mr Rogers said, and always look for the helpers to keep your faith in humanity.

via Leah Rose

I MET THE CUTEST PIBBLE IN NASHVILLE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ her name is Little Bit and she have me all the kisses. Rescue pets are the best.

via Leah Rose