
Showing posts from 2017

IT WAS EIGHT DEGREES WTF WHO DOES THIS ...there’s a Pokémon go gym at the end of the block okay I’m even judging myself right now. New Year, new goals! Let’s do our best! My step one is kind of tragic- I’m currently sorting out my comic collection to sell. Album to come shortly, I’d appreciate a signal boost because moving + poverty = downsizing party.

via Leah Rose

There’s a certain satisfaction when you’re able to be thrifty. And... okay, hard to articulate this, it’s extra awesome when the repurposed thing is themed with its new life? Like this $2 robot dinosaur from goodwill. I’ll demolishing it and using it for Aloy’s armor parts from Horizon Zero Dawn. If that’s not appropriate I don’t know what is. Aloy is almost done by the way! Convincing Kexige Cosplay to shoot when I come home!

via Leah Rose

This was the best and most bizarre thing EVER!!! The SMALLEST world and I’m so so happy!! Had a coworker catching a ride with us, talked about commuting, found out we’re both local kids 🌺 Talked about our interests, find out we’re both nerds 🤖 Talk about Kawaii Kon and find out WE WERE IN A PHOTO TOGETHER LIKE 2 CONS AGO?!?! Glitch in the matrix, guys. I have chicken skin. (If you see this D hi love you see you soon we go the halau!!!)

via Leah Rose

Of course I’m off working, but I still want you to know that I’m so so happy to call all of you my friends and I love you dearly and I want you to have the best Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) ever. Let’s go into 2018 hopeful and full of love for ourselves and others like Space Mom Carrie would want. If you want to send an e-card (no physical P.O. box this year and I don’t wanna break the yearly card tradition!) please feel free, leahroseftw at gmail ❤️ I’ll reply to everyone with a special photo and note ❤️

via Leah Rose

I need to really up my anti-aging routine so I can princess forever. I love this so much. Ugh. Holiday sappy mode. I love my sea slug Elendriel more than cookies and milk!

via Leah Rose

It’s hard to show you how long this frickin wig is. Banana for scale didn’t cut it. But she’s the end result of my craft time yesterday! I also made a video. Peek the comments? Also, I don’t have a PO box for the yearly Christmas card exchange and I’m SO bummed. Any ideas? I got cards for you guys and then went... oh.

via Leah Rose

When you try to take a cute selfie to show off the amazing shirt your friend made but SOMEONE has no sense of personal space... Working on a desperate house clean frenzy tonight and if I finish in time, let’s play with a Rapunzel wig and some battery powered strings of lights *eyebrow waggle*

via Leah Rose

Sooooo you know it’s like 9 days until Christmas? Cause I didn’t 🙃 I would love to support all of the small businesses that I know you guys have or love yourselves, but there’s that whole problem of not winning the lottery. Please post links below to your own small business, Etsy page, your best friends, your sisters, whatever! And share so we can have a great comprehensive list of geeky and geek-adjacent small businesses! Get presents for people from somewhere cooler than Target! (No shade target I love you you’re the real MVP)

via Leah Rose

JUST GOT BACK FROM THE MOVIES helped my friend set up at Con Alt Delete and then we went and I was the only one really dressed up YOLOOOO (Spoilers = blocked. Go talk about that somewhere else, don’t be a jerk and ruin it for everyone)

via Leah Rose

I asked Santa for my student loans to be paid off. 🤷‍♀️

via Leah Rose

Leah the Elf, what’s your favorite color?! Forgot the syrup as the best prop ever, dang it. One of these days I’ll actually figure out how to get my dang camera to focus and be nice to me when I’m shooting by myself...

via Leah Rose

Presented without comment. Cause this is BEGGING for a caption contest! Tom Quach photo Monet Michiko Moana babe Kawaii Kon panel and location

via Leah Rose

Hello yes hi guess what I’m talking to you FROM MY NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found the sweetest lady at the Japanese market so not only did I get a car but I got a friend too ❤️ Help me name it! 2010 Civic, dark grey. Contenders so far: Mano- shark in Hawaiian Same- “sah-may”, shark in Japanese Hermes- god of travel Luke Spiller- the lead singer of my favorite band Covfefe- I needed a meme option okay

via Leah Rose

Hey Morty, so I stayed up way too late, but I have a lab coat and a blue wig and a case of beer sooooo basically I’m entirely canon.

via Leah Rose

Okayyyy looks like I finally got completely hit with FB saying “f u pay me” so less than 5% of you even see my stuff. What a bummer. Make sure you follow me on IG/Twitter/even my freaking blogspot for an easier way to keep in touch, yeah? On call for a few days, so stuck at the house and working through this fatty ❤️ I love having time to read!!!

via Leah Rose

(Attempting to post this again because my reach got murderfied last night (I’m tired enough to make up words right now shhhh)) ⭐️ Courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten. ⭐️ Costume alteration/wig/everything but the photo- me Leah Rose hi Photo- OGRE Eric Richardson Photography yayyyy Best game on the planet- The Legend of Zelda

via Leah Rose

Courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten. ⭐️ Costume alteration/wig/everything but the photo- me Leah Rose hi Photo- OGRE Eric Richardson Photography yayyyy Best game on the planet- Nintendo The Legend of Zelda Zelda Informer Zelda Universe

via Leah Rose

Had a few hours to myself in DC this morning, so played Pokémon Go and had a really introspective time at all the monuments. My feel kinda hurt but it was worth it. I hope your week is going well, stay warm and hydrated okay? ❤️

via Leah Rose

Went into the good ol’ dropbox for this one! Frick I love bodysuits and being my best girl Rogue even if it’s Apoc and nobody really gets it. AoA suit by Uncanny Megan ❤️ Pic by Hisako Art & Cosplay ❤️

via Leah Rose

This goober is grateful for you goobers! I hope you have an amazing day doing whatever it is you like to do on this day ❤️ I’m also grateful for a job that helps me stay afloat, even when I don’t get any turkey. Or pie. 😭 ((Also please remember the history of this holiday and don’t take the sacrifices of the First Nations for granted because google it))

via Leah Rose

So about that Fox/Marvel/X-men movie debacle... love Anna Paquin and all but I woulda loved to see this kind of look in the movie. Curly hair best hair! If they ever need a new girl, I’m yo girl, casting! Photos soon thanks to OGRE Eric Richardson Photography the best poop!

via Leah Rose

Ignore whatever tf my braid was doing but look at this thing that finally happened ❤️🔼✨

via Leah Rose

Yeahhhhh if Nuggetstumps Cosplay and I could agree on a selfie face that would be greaaaaaaaat

via Leah Rose

I’ve got my eye on you (cough tip your healer) Let’s just freak out for a moment cause lookit what Dallas Nagata White diiiiiid ❤️❤️❤️❤️ New vid on my YT channel, look me up @leahroseftw!

via Leah Rose

WHERE DID THE HI RES OF THIS PHOTO GO I know I had it in my hard drive somewhere ahhhhhhhh Sorry been talking about our shared love for Jason Momoa with my new work friend so I had to share this again and hnnnnng

via Leah Rose

The process: -sees Thor: Ragnarok -stares at flashback scene (YOU KNOW THE ONE) -stares at PayPal balance -stares at chainmail patterned bodysuit on eBay -stares at worbla and gold spray paint -stares at kitty wondering if she’d wear wings and be my Pegasus -daydreams about Chris Hemsworth’s loyalties yeah that -decides on new cosplay See? Look at these guns (from a few months ago 5eyre better now lol) I could totally do it.

via Leah Rose

I just need you guys to appreciate my good hair day. They’re few and far between and ALWAYS when I don’t see anyone. Happy Monday, happy late Guy Fawkes Day, happy manatee appreciation month.... I’m sure I’m missing something else so happy that too!

via Leah Rose

So at my funeral, someone’s gonna have to get the swirly hair tie off my wrist. Cause it’s a thing. I’m excited to save up for a lightweight tail and do shoots and actually you know CREATE stuff! That Mera was so funnnnn Ooh wait I wanna shoot that in the water... Kexige Cosplay CAN WEEEEE

via Leah Rose

My casual mermaid look thing on Halloween since I was on call/not able to go out/still homesick/FREEZING. Seriously. Not meant for cold. Nope nope nope. Anyway show me your Halloween pictures 😍🍬 🎃

via Leah Rose

Mermaid photo-ception!!! I love Mermaid Enakai Fairyfish and mermaid Malia like whoa. (Thanks for taking it Kexige Cosplay hey update your page dammit ❤️) Plan: bring Natsu home to Oahu, keep at casa de la bestfriends for merming at home. Save $75 a month, in less than a year finally get my TRAVEL FRIENDLY wholphin tail from MerrowFins Mermaid tails by Matthew Quijano. Go worldwide and merm. Best plan I know.

via Leah Rose

Moana, Dratini, and the Starfleet comm officer walk into a bar...

via Leah Rose

Let’s play a game cause I need some happies. Comment story time! I’ll start, you keep it going. Keep it to ~20 words. Let’s get weird. Once upon a time there lived a Mermaid who was super addicted to...

via Leah Rose

Faith trust and a little bit of pixie dust.... you doing okay? I hope you’re happy and healthy and having fun today ❤️

via Leah Rose

Stoic. Queenly. Honestly just kinda thinking about dinner. 🍣🥗🥃 Self shoot gets an A for effort but D for execution. Not gonna bother editing the background of these like I intended- I’ll try again soon!

via Leah Rose

You know, I gotta hand it to my office. It has really good natural light. 😜 Marathoning Horizon Zero Dawn and hooooly shiiiiiii I have to cosplay Aloy!!!

via Leah Rose

SIGNAL BOOST OAHU So you guys know Dasha Cosplay. My wifey BFF. Some faka STOLE HER Wonder Woman costume. Details below. Please help!!!!!

via Leah Rose

Hashtag edgelord? But really I love V for Vendetta an obnoxious amount. In London for the day! Gonna take a nap and then ADVENTURE!!

via Leah Rose

/start documentary voice And here, in one of her natural habitats, we see the elusive Leahfish sustaining herself with coffee while creating comfy things to wear. She is not in her final form, because it is hard to press the sewing machine pedal with a tail. /end documentary voice

via Leah Rose

Okay okay I’ll post a not-Derp selfie for once. Although I AM laying on the floor, so there’s that. Trying to make some tripod photos work, cross your fingers I have something maybe print worthy from doing it myself!

via Leah Rose

I must be on a redhead cosplay kick lately. This is the costume I made in less than 24 hours! The suit kinda sucks but I DID IT ANYWAY WHOOOOOOOOOO~ Gonna fix up Mera for the Justice League premier and get Jason Momoa to fall in love with me kthx

via Leah Rose

Wubba lubba dub dub Wait, wrong quote... But you know, anything is better to quote than the original Little Mermaid story. Ish was DARK! Gonna try to tripod shoot myself today so you can see the NYCC costume that wasn’t! I guess this photo is a really vague hint of you didn’t catch the IG posts about it.

via Leah Rose

Mermaid crown best crown! I’m doing a super purge of a looooot of my stuff- no not this!! I could use a hand downsizing + taking care of student loans IFYOULNOWWHATIMSAYIN (trying to avoid those keywords FB doesn’t Like is hard!) Peek below for how to help ^^

via Leah Rose

WINNER TIME!! Erik Hawkinson and Janet Perkins, I need your addresses!!!!! Thank you everyone so much for helping us make the world a little bit better. If I make you guys smile and if we together can help just one person in a tough spot, it’s all worth it. Miko as Meeko ❤️❤️❤️❤️ outtakes for the win!

via Leah Rose

If at first you don’t succeed, fix your bow and try again. (And of course I just finished upgrading this costume after we took the photos, Murphy’s law)

via Leah Rose

Okay so I know a lot of you aren’t up on the Tinkerbell movies but they’re not awful, okay? Watch Tinkerbell Legend of the Neverbeast and tell me you don’t tear up. Animal talent fairy up in here! Fawn is my favorite! I had so much fun doing a living room Disney shoot with my roomie Chrissy ❤️🎃👑 gonna share a lot of these pics for October okay cool

via Leah Rose

That AMAZING feeling when your favorite thing goes mainstream and you can buy nice things from it!!! I’m so glad that a lot of you have checked in about being safe. I’m still just in shock over the state of the world right now, and Vegas was just the icing on the shitty cake (Gross visual, sorry). Please remember what Mr Rogers said, and always look for the helpers to keep your faith in humanity.

via Leah Rose

I MET THE CUTEST PIBBLE IN NASHVILLE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ her name is Little Bit and she have me all the kisses. Rescue pets are the best.

via Leah Rose

So today was the last day I was going to accept entries into my giveaway- you know, donate ten bucks to hurricane relief and be entered for a chance to win a huge prize pack? We got one entry. 🙃 Last call, send me a screenshot of your donation! If we get less than five total, I’ll send everyone who does it a thank you card at least. Dang it I wanna help people.

via Leah Rose

My big little, my bean, my Sweet Pea, my sister. Five years, man. We took shots of Jameson at her memorial and one of the last things she did was try to sassy slap Juno Cosplay in the face (she deserved it ❤️ and it wasn’t hard). Tell me about someone you miss. I’d love to hear your stories.

via Leah Rose

I squished Miko’s head Immediately after this photo she pounced me I guess we’re even? Public Patreon update, I’m @leahroseftw there and would appreciate a peek!

via Leah Rose