Hi friends! Thanks for coming and peeking over here, I know facebook is a lot easier to check in on but we all know how FB feels about long posts, keywords, and basically anything other than not taking my money, hahaha/sad Anyway, let's just jump into it- my announcement for today is I'm beginning a Patreon account. My emotions on Patreon are pretty conflicted a lot of times, I have to be honest, and I'm sure you can understand what I mean if you've been online and seen all the backlash that some people get from starting Patreons. I've always been afraid that my work wasn't good enough, consistent enough, or popular enough to warrant anything like this. But then my personal (financial and time restraint) circumstances changed, and my options were: 1. Stop cosplay nearly entirely, disappoint you and myself, and lose something that brings me and many other people a spark of joy. or 2. Ask for help, be able to continue, and with the money that I receive...