
Showing posts from August, 2018

MFW it’s time to go set up at con. Every con. Without fail. Forgot to share this a few weeks ago! It’s bottled cold brew coffee with almond milk in case you were wondering and it’s my favorite thing ever.

via Leah Rose

Thank you so much for all your messages of concern- I'm definitely not stoked on this hurricane coming at us, but staying zen and doing what we can to prepare. Hawaii ohana, you guys okay? Throwback to only a few weeks ago at Byodo-In Temple, having a lotus moment with Extraordinary Erika. Send love her way too, I know she's a stressed out little bee because of all this.

via Leah Rose

Princess party today went so well! I know I might not be able to do this too much longer when I start looking a little older, but I’ll keep going as long as I can ❤️❤️ BEST DAY EVER!!

via Leah Rose

I'm gonna just fill this post with all the keywords that fb hates, so please like/comment/share so it gets any sort of reach! Pic for attention by Dallas Nagata White in case the watermark didn't tip you off lolllllll I have 10k friends on this page. 10k people have chosen to receive my updates. I am lucky if I get 100 likes on a post, and my algorithms show that around 1000 people are seeing each post, again if I'm lucky. Facebook is not a platform for creators. Not any more. We've been through this before. They intentionally throttle your reach so you pay to promote, but the promotion is a huge scam too and goes to bot accounts that will never interact with your page. It's tough when companies and cons still use social media numbers to validate working with cosplayers, but it also just hurts to be proud of something and want to show the people who are interested but they will never ever see. I'm continuing to post on facebook, but I use the platform IFTTT to post the same exact thing simultaneously to my blog. My instagram is synced the same way to my twitter and other facebook profile ( @leahroseftwlovesyou). I'm on Patreon, and starting to use that as a solid platform for everything and 95% of my content is viewable even if you don't pledge every month. Ko-fi is another one that I post on, not as much, but it's a cute idea (everything is public, but you can buy me a coffee to help ya girl out) that I like the idea of and may use it much much more in the future. Basically, please remember that facebook is not the end-all. Please PLEASE go check out my blog, for literally the exact same content without an algorithm trying to run me off the platform. You can even use an RSS feed/email list (oh my god who here is old enough to have ever used those don't answer that). I care enough about you to keep trying, please care enough about me to check another website so we can keep in touch. Love you, mean it, be good.

via Leah Rose

Dear Noct, Let me drive. Love, Luna Final Fantasy XV Hawaii Media Source Comic Con HNL

via Leah Rose

Got me a hot date tonight at the Kingdom Hearts orchestra! Courtney Metzger ily, Rose Ivy designed this dress, thanks for the tickets Remy Zane!!!!

via Leah Rose

MERCY GO BLEP I feel like this is actually cute and not just a derp so there. Thanks Jon J Murakami ❤️❤️ Super proud of Extraordinary Erika for her first big armor build!! There isn’t enough Aranea love!

via Leah Rose

The Chocobros, dropping the hot new single on SoundCloud soon I can’t I’m cackling like an idiot hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa Luna is me Aranea is Extraordinary Erika Prompto is Logan @thebeermancometh on insta Iggy is Kexige Cosplay Now taking applications for Oahu based Noct and Gladdy...? Photo by Courtney Metzger the best magical unicorn in the whole world

via Leah Rose

Elise is pretty a-mei-zing ❤️❤️❤️ Gdi I hate playing against Mei so much but now I love her. Mercy today (and halo fixed!) and time to go MC the Comic Con HNL cosplay contest soon! Booth 127 other than that!

via Leah Rose

Insert generic comment about hump day here! Can you believe con is THIS WEEKEND WHAT AHHHHHHH My booth is 127!!! Come visit me and check out the new prints, gonna bring back the exclusive photo book too and shiny new/revamped cosplays! I’m so excited I needed a con so bad. As always, free prints and hugs for bringing me tea, and free hugs anyway if not 😜

via Leah Rose