Con Reviw: Arizona Matsuri

Catching up on these reviews! YAY! Just two more and I'm caught up!!! IT'S A MIRACLE! Ahem, anyway. Arizona Matsuri isn't a con, per se... hence its name. Matsuri is the generic Japanese word for festival (today you learned!), and this one was a celebration of all things Japan for Nihonophiles, Japanese natives now living abroad, artists, cosplayers, and anyone who happened to waddle around Phoenix downtown that weekend. Nothing really major happened at this one, since it wasn't a specific festival or convention. I did have the chance to work for Joe and his mama, who we all call Mama, at Tokyo Sky like I did last year! I LOVE THEM!!! They sell lots of plushies and some ready made costumes and lots and lots of hats and toys and I have no idea how I left that place with money.... Other than working with them (and Cory and Anjelo ofcourse), I ate. A lot. Like, Japanese festivals for me always ALWAYS turn into a game of "how fat can Leah make herself". Green tea ...