Adventures in Nerdland: Con-Ichiwa!!

My d20 homies and I went to Con-Ichiwa yesterday and it had no idea what hit it. The end. But really, the con was... okay. In general, it was well organized, but much smaller and cramped than we would have liked. The hotel staff was really great and welcoming, but some of the attendees needed cattle prods- fire hazards of the nerdiest degree. As a panelist, the con was pretty good. We were listed in the program with no problems, even though people love to show up late. It was small enough to where we were able to deal with it and give people quick recaps in our "About the d20 Girls Project" panel, but our second one, Female Image in a Nerdy Industry, was HUGE and fantastic!! I was so proud of us. moo There's an article some random site decided to put up about the panel, and the panel itse;f will be up on youtube soon and you'll love it, I swear. So there wasn't much to recap on, con-wise. I felt horrid because my lovely little ...